Improving your
lead­er­ship and
inter­cul­tural agility

Fredy Diener, MSc Psycho­logy FSP
Lead­er­ship Coach (Swiss Coaching Asso­ci­ation SCA)
Certi­fied Facil­it­ator LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
Member Society for Inter­cul­tural
Educa­tion Training and Research (SIETAR)



Lead­er­ship &
Devel­op­ment Coaching

You are an exec­utive, (project) manager, leader, expert or profes­sional, leading or working in a diverse organ­iz­ation, and you face various chal­lenges: feeling under pres­sure to succeed with little resources and time you need to manage a dynamic and complex system of tasks and people.


You are an indi­vidual or team working in an inter­cul­tur­ally diverse setting with the need to tackle some crucial chal­lenges, a person/team strug­gling to learn about a foreign culture or someone preparing for a stay abroad? Maybe you just want to develop your inter­cul­tural compet­ency?


You are heading a company or running an HR departe­ment and you want to further develop the social skills of your staff or the lead­er­ship compet­en­cies of your leaders.


You are a well-qual­ified profes­sional or manager and have been dismissed due to a restruc­turing. You are shocked, disap­pointed, you find it hard to have clear thoughts and you want to find a new role asap.

HR Interim

You need fast temporary support in HR manage­ment at short notice. You need to bridge a vacancy, ensure a replace­ment or close resource bottle­necks. You need specific expertise and addi­tional resources for the imple­ment­ation of important projects.

How I work

I know what it feels like to be a leader and manager, to work in a foreign envir­on­ment and to deal with cultur­ally diverse teams. It helps me to under­stand your chal­lenges. My coaching approach is systemic/solu­tion oriented.

About me

I’m one of the few coaching special­ists in this region who combines thor­ough educa­tion and long­standing coaching prac­tice with lead­er­ship exper­ience in middle/upper manage­ment and many years of inter­cul­tural exposure abroad.


My clients are from various ages, func­tions and cultural back­grounds. Please take a look at their feed­back


Diener Leadership & Intercultural Coaching
+41 79 845 11 41

Consulta­tion room: Bahnhof­strasse 44, 5400 Baden

Mailing address:
Alten­burgstrasse 14, 5430 Wettingen